Adequate sleep and a healthy immune system

According to the Andrew Weil Center for Integrative Medicine at the University of Arizona, it is critically important for all of you to get adequate sleep at this time. The Center wants to make it known that shorter sleep duration increases the risk of infectious illness. In fact, they report that one study found that less than 5 hours of sleep increased the risk of developing rhinovirus associated cold by 350% when compared to individuals who slept at least 7 hours per night. They also report adequate sleep will ensure the continued secretion of melatonin, a molecule that may play a role in reducing Coronavirus virulence.

The report goes on to list other pieces of risk reduction including stress management and getting enough vegetables and fruits. Further, the Center provides a list of supplements to either avoid or take if you present with symptoms or test positive for COVID-19.

Click here to read the full report.

We care about the health of our patients and want to remind you we are available via email at during our temporary closure to answer any questions or concerns you may have regarding you or your child’s orthodontic treatment.

Stay well!

Dr. Semco


Congratulations to Lekha Sapers, our 2017/2018 annual $1000 College Scholarship recipient!